"It's only a matter of time." CDC Warns of Imminent Coronavirus Spread

For the first time since its outbreak, the Covid-19 coronavirus has more new confirmed cases outside of China than inside.

Reports funneled in from around the world this morning of new Covid-19 coronavirus outbreaks, with countries like Brazil confirming their first cases of the virus.

Brazil confirmed its first case of the virus on the heels of its annual carnival celebration coming to a close, making it the first confirmed case in Latin America. France reported its first death due to the virus on Wednesday, as its number of confirmed cases rose to 14.

Across the world, places like Italy and Iran have seen a series spike in confirmed cases.

On Wednesday, Italy confirmed 374 cases of the virus along with 12 deaths, according to CNBC. Italy's Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, attempted to calm the Italian public as fear and panic continued to spread, and he isn't the only one. United States President, Donald Trump has called for a news conference with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The U.S. President also called out the media and accused them of being responsible for creating panic, and in turn affecting the world stock market.

According to the Washington Post, the Dow Jones industrial average, "endured its worst two-day slump in four years," on Tuesday. The European and Asian markets have also experienced a decline due to the virus, with both markets closing down from their original open on Wednesday.

On top of the newly confirmed cases and financial declines, fake news about the virus is also reportedly spreading across social media. According to a BBC technology correspondent, theories that the virus was, "engineered in a lab and deliberately released," are circulating, forcing social media sites like Facebook to crack down on the spreading of misinformation.

What we do know is that the Covid-19 coronavirus is that it is continuing to spread, but precautions, particularly in the U.S., have been put into place to help contain the virus.

On Tuesday Mayor London Breed of San Francisco declared a state of emergency for the city even though there are currently no confirmed cases in San Francisco. Mayor Breed explained in a press conference that she is preparing her city and, "taking the necessary steps," to protect it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an outbreak in the United States isn't a question, it's only a matter of time.

That being said, it's still not the time to panic. With the right precautions set in place, protection from the Covid-19 coronavirus is practical. Doing simple things like making sure that you wash your hands and maintain general hygiene, especially if you've come into contact with someone who has the virus, is crucial.

The virus is spread by human to human contact as well as animal to human contact. Symptoms of the virus include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Fever

If you think you may have contracted the virus, seek immediate medical attention and limit your exposure to others.

For more information on the Covid-19 coronavirus and other virus and disease epidemics, check out Global Pandemics and Epidemics and How They Relate To You.

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